We connect customers with healthcare providers.

Are you a top dentist or provider?

We help locations increase new customer leads with a blended approach to reputation management and digital marketing.

Learn More

Find your profile on Connect the Doc

Make it easy for prospective contacts to find you online by claiming your profile on Connect the Doc. You will be able to update business information, monitor your reviews, manage online bookings and design a new website - all within your dashboard.

  • Get New Customers
  • Build Your Referral Network
  • Design Your Website
  • Manage Your Reputation

Generate More Reviews

92% of customers read online reviews before making a decision. Stand out from your competition by getting reviews on sites that matter most.

  • Automated Review Requests
  • Social Review Sharing
  • Trackable Results

Book New Customers

With Connect the Doc's online bookings, customers can learn about your office, read your positive reviews and book an appointment with ease.

  • Get Confirmed Customer Bookings
  • Manage Existing Bookings
  • Fill Cancellations

Get More Referrals

Connect the Doc's Social Media Referrals put you in front of your customer's entire social network. Track clicks, shares, and new customer bookings from unique customer referral links.

  • Reward Customer Referrals
  • Eliminate Referral Generation Frustration
  • Track Your Growth

Direct Integration With Over 95% of Dental Management Software

“It was always awkward for our staff to ask customers to write reviews. Before working with Connect the Doc, we had 0 Google reviews at our St. Cloud location and less than 5 at our Maitland location, which has been open for more than a decade. Within the first 3.5 months of joining Connect the Doc we had 69 Google reviews at the Maitland location and 29 at our St. Cloud location. Our location is booming and we are seeing a steady flow of new customers.”

Dr. Kelly Mansour — Pediatric Dentistry of Central Florida

“In our first year with Connect the Doc we got more than 100 new customers resulting in over $500K in new cases. Our reviews have gone from practically nothing to more than 400 on Google, Facebook, and RateMDs. In my 36 years of being in location, I've never come across a marketing solution that delivers so much value.”

Dr. Mark Rykiss — Rykiss Orthodontics

Trusted by over 1,000 Providers and Dentists.


Download our Whitepaper to learn more about how you can take your dental marketing to the next level.

Download free whitepaper

Marketing PDF

Download our Marketing PDF to learn about how we implement a blended strategy of software and services to bring you new customers.

Download free PDF


Visit our blog to stay up to date with all things dental marketing. You'll find referral templates, HIPAA compliant review response suggestions and more!

Check out our blog

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how your location appears online?

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